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User Experience

The NPS in commercial insurance: clients love Broker Buddha agencies.
The NPS has become the dominant tool when companies are analyzing vendors. Agencies that use the Broker Buddha platform get higher scores because they care about constantly improving the customer experience.

Business insurance agencies: the time to go fully digital is now.
Nobody can predict the future exactly, but there's no doubt we're in for some dramatic change. Smart agencies are preparing for it now by embracing technology.

Usage is up and our team is growing.
Activity on our platform is increasing and we're adding experienced insurance professionals in Customer Success.

Usage has tripled.
Even in uncertain times, our platform is gaining traction—usage has tripled in recent months.

That's smooth! Eliminating friction between commercial insurance agents and carriers.
We're out to make the exchange of data between carriers and brokers seamless—it's a win-win.

They have questions. Our insurtech has answers.
Commercial insurance renewals happen faster when customers get answers quickly.
In App Chat
Improving the user experience means always adding features, like the In App Chat. Interactive, easy-to-use, it lets everyone stay connected while providing a professional way to stay on top of the progress of applications and renewals. Modeled after the highly efficient comment feature in Google Docs, the In App Chat allows for easy collaboration and instant multi-user communication.
You Rely on Your Agency Management System - We Make it Simpler
We’ve worked hard to simplify this process for you by creating a huge library of Smart Forms to collect information which we transfer to your Agency Management System - elevating the entire insurance broker & client experience into the 21st century. Here are the three main problems with Agency Management Systems and how we solve them.
What Do Shazam and InsureTech Have in Common?
Although you probably don’t use “music” and “insurance” in the same sentence very often, the two industries have a lot more in common than you think. For example, they’re both massive industries, they’re both highly fragmented industries, and they both suffer from a painful lack of structure when it comes to information.
Customer Experience Changes Everything: 5 Companies That Get It Right
When you’re not the only game in town, competing on price is not an option. There are always competitors who will offer their services for less. Successful businesses differentiate themselves through powerful technology, modern design, and world class service to deliver a unique & memorable customer experience. These five organizations have found the exact formula to build long-term customer loyalty, so that their clients return again and again.