Holmes Murphy implements Broker Buddha software.
While most of us would agree that 2020 has been short of highlights, our involvement in the BrokerTech Ventures (BTV) Accelerator has been a real bright spot. Backed by a group of successful, forward-thinking firms, the BTV Accelerator brings broker-centric insurtech companies together, providing seed-funding and access to mentor agencies.
One of those agencies is independent, employee-owned Holmes Murphy. Not only has their feedback and counsel helped shape and improve our offering, we’re thrilled they are now part of the Broker Buddha roster.

“Our company has a history of leaning into innovation and entrepreneurialism, when we find solutions we believe can bring efficiencies to our agency,” noted Ellen Willadsen, Chief Financial Officer at Holmes Murphy. “After learning more and becoming deeply engaged with the Broker Buddha technology through BrokerTech Ventures, we knew the team would quickly see the value. The platform brings an enhanced customer experience, and a faster renewal process that is far less time-consuming. We see a bright future for Broker Buddha and we are thrilled to be a part of the journey in shaping their growth."
Being a part of the BTV Accelerator was a great experience, and we’re excited to add Holmes Murphy to our user roster. We welcome their team, and look forward to helping more agencies eliminate tedious administrative work, increase productivity, and strengthen client relationships.